Are you a food start-up looking to get your foot in the door?

FoodINC and the Banyule City Council bring you a dedicated professional development opportunity to boost your specialist food business.

16 September
10:00AM – 11:00AM
Registration Fee $25 for Banyule based businesses.
Food Incubator + Network Centre is an initiative driven by the Melbourne Innovation Centre and partners such as Melbourne Polytechnic and Melbourne’s North Food Group to support the growth of food start-ups across the region.

Are you an artisan food business struggling with exposure for your product? Are you a food start-up looking to get your foot in the door?

This online session will cover the practical steps to getting your product into the retail market.

Each workshop participant will have a one-on-one mentoring session with an expert from The Business of Food which represents great value for each participant. Please book your complimentary one-to-one session through the add-on section when purchasing your ticket

Numbers strictly limited.