Banyule Futures – Your Voice, Our future

3 weeks left to have your say on Banyule Futures!
How do you want Banyule to look and feel in the future? We’re asking locals for their wisdom as we plan our direction and actions for the next few years.

This project aims to harness the wisdom of Banyule’s diverse community! We’re looking to work out:

  • Council’s big picture for the next four years (2025 to 2029) – the Council Plan
  • what’s needed to improve the community’s health and wellbeing – Health and Wellbeing Plan
  • how to best manage our buildings and assets – the Asset Plan
  • how to fund Council’s work and what to prioritise – the Budget.

We know that Banyule’s suburbs and people are diverse and that different locations have their own character, needs and priorities. That’s why, as part of Banyule Futures, we’ll be focussing the conversations on Banyule’s 7 precincts to better understand what’s important to you.

Your voice can shape the future of Banyule and there are plenty of ways to get involved. Our community workshops are already fully booked, but you can still:

Take an online survey
Join pop-up sessions happening across Banyule
Share your thoughts at a self-service stand

To get started online, click this link and then scroll down the page and simply choose your local area on the map and complete the survey about local priorities, concerns, health and wellbeing.

Don’t miss your chance to win one of 20 x $50 gift cards just by completing the survey!
Share your wisdom