Small Business Bus

Helpful resources come to you

Whether you’re planning, starting or growing your business, the Victorian Government’s Small Business Bus can help you to develop your business ideas and capabilities.

The Small Business Bus currently offers information through various Government organisations as well as business assistance from expert advisers, financial business counselling through the Rural Financial Counselling Service and coaching sessions under the Partners in Wellbeing program, established to assist business owners to navigate their way through challenges faced by COVID-19.

To book a session with a business adviser, financial counsellor or a wellbeing coach please visit our training and coaching page. Advanced bookings are required as sessions are strictly limited

Virtual sessions with expert business advisers are also available if the Bus isn’t in your area.

Eligibility criteria

Bookings are essential.

If you are a local council and would like to enquire about the availability of the Small Business Bus to visit your region, please call 13 22 15.

If you are thinking of starting a small business or are a small business owner and would like to register interest in the Small Business Bus visiting your area, please email us.

Tips and hints

  • Book in advance through the training and coaching page.
  • Places are limited and book out quickly.
  • Please note that we only allow one session per person.