The debris after a fire at an amusement park in Rajkot, India, on Sunday. Siddharaj Solanki/EPA, via Shutterstock

Two Deadly Fires in Rapid Succession Expose India’s Gaps in Safety

A fire at a western Indian amusement park claimed the lives of dozens of people, the majority of them were children.

On Saturday night, a large fire spread over the site in Rajkot, Gujarat state, India.

Reports from the local police and media indicated that the fire was under control and that 27 bodies—including four under-12-year-olds—had been retrieved thus far.

It’s anticipated that the death toll would grow because many of them were beyond recognition burned.

District collector Prabhav Joshi of Rajkot informed AFP that four persons had been taken into custody by police to be questioned.

“We are trying to get more details about the owners of the facility,” he stated.

“People got trapped as a temporary structure at the facility collapsed near the entrance, making it difficult for people to get out.”

The park’s private owner will face legal action for negligence, according to the police.

Two Deadly Fires in Rapid Succession Expose India’s Gaps in Safety2
Rescuers carry a body after a fire broke out in an amusement park in Rajkot.(AP Photo/Chirag Chotaliya)